Brightspace Update

Email setup and integration starts, and ITS begins setting up course home pages. ITS is building the organizational structure and testing automation processes.

March 21, 2024

Email & Course Home Pages

After several working sessions with D2L, ITS has started building the organizational structure of AU’s Brightspace instance using a conceptual framework in collaboration with D2L. Additional topics covered include email setup and integration, home page setup for Brightspace courses, and bulk creation of sandboxes. Inside Brightspace, users will have the ability to compose emails that get delivered to AU email accounts. D2L recently provided configuration options for course home pages, and now ITS is beginning to set up course home pages.


As previously announced, April 5 is the first Brightspace training session with D2L. Based on feedback from faculty members who are part of the Instructional Technology Committee, upcoming Brightspace training sessions will continue as webinar sessions. Instructional Technology Committee faculty members also provided direction for future training dates and times. Upcoming training sessions are currently pending confirmation from D2L based on training availability.

Upcoming Details

User experience and theming are part of the working session with D2L next week. As the organizational structure is configured in Brightspace, ITS is also testing automation processes using Colleague data and working towards migrating a batch of Moodle courses into Brightspace. ITS will test the sandbox creation process before bulk sandbox creation begins.