Course uplift consulting services kick off, and LTI integrations are discussed. Faculty training sessions are upcoming, and recordings are available.
Thank you to everyone who attended the April 5th training session. For those unable to join, the recorded training session is available on the Brightspace landing page at, and recorded training sessions will continue to be added to the website following training sessions. The next training session, Feature 360: Content, is scheduled for April 12, 2024, from 9:00 am-10:00 am CST, and all available faculty or staff are encouraged to join the session or access the recorded session later if unavailable to attend.
Recently, ITS joined a kickoff meeting with the D2L content services team to start course uplift consulting services. As part of these services, D2L will analyze both an on-campus Moodle course and an online Moodle course, offering recommendations that can be applied to future course templates.
During the weekly session with D2L, LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability), was discussed extensively. Currently, Moodle has several LTI integrations, including Elsevier, Tevera, Cengage, and Flatworld, among others. Turnitin is one of the LTIs scheduled for integration into Brightspace. ITS, in collaboration with potential LTI vendors, will undertake the migration of these integrations to Brightspace. This week's session also emphasized the importance of maintaining courses and default settings within Brightspace. Additionally, ITS continued its LMS administrator training.
In the week ahead, attention will be directed to developing a strategy for managing courses spanning multiple terms within Brightspace. D2L and ITS will continue analyzing the migration process for various LMS tools. The initial phase prioritizes the migration of LTI tools to ensure a smooth transition to Brightspace. A meeting is scheduled to explore Brightspace's course uplift services, providing insights for leveraging D2L's offerings to facilitate the migration of existing course materials into the new LMS environment.
Next week, the working session will focus on grading and assessment setup. Ongoing course migration and data import testing will take place, along with continued efforts to determine default user interface settings.