An updated course migration tool is being tested to facilitate the migration of courses, and training resources are in development. The Brightspace Okta app is enabled for students.
ITS is currently testing an updated version of the Brightspace course migration tool. The tool will facilitate the migration of courses from 2019 and on to Brightspace. The process involves running a comprehensive Moodle backup to capture previous course data. Once the migration is complete, the migrated courses will appear in the "My Courses" section of each user's Brightspace account. Further updates regarding the expected availability of these courses will be provided as new details emerge.
Faculty members have access to new and upcoming training sessions, which are listed at Additionally, ITS is developing training guides covering specific topics such as gradebook management, grade schemes, extra credit assignments, content addition, and intelligent agents. If there are any specific topics that you would like covered in these training guides or videos, please contact to provide more information.
This week, ITS enabled the Brightspace Okta application for students, providing incoming students access to Brightspace for activities related to AU4U. Please note that faculty, students, and staff will only be able to log into Brightspace if they are enrolled in a course on the platform. The Frequently Asked Questions page was updated this week to address recent questions and it can be access at