Technical sessions are complete and external LTI tool integration is nearing completion. ITS is addressing course access issues, and new training opportunities and resources are available.
As the new academic year approaches, ITS has made important steps in implementing Brightspace. With only six weeks remaining until the start of classes, ITS has successfully completed the weekly technical sessions with D2L. ITS is now working with D2L to finalize the creation of a Brightspace test instance and verifying data integration between Colleague and Brightspace.
The implementation phase is expected to conclude by early August, and then ITS will transition to working directly with D2L's support team for any support needed. Collaboration with D2L's training and creative services team will continue in the coming months.
ITS is in the final stages of integrating external LTI tools in Brightspace. This process involves adding LTI tools used in Moodle to Brightspace and introducing new ones to replace those not fully compatible with Brightspace such as Codegrade and Respondus Lockdown Browser. The Respondus Lockdown Browser tool will replace Safe Exam Browser previously used in Moodle and a guide for adding the tool to Brightspace courses is now available in the ITS Knowledge Base: Add Respondus Lockdown Browser to a Course
The fall 2024 course enrollment process for students and faculty is still being conducted manually due to ongoing data resolution efforts and manual enrollment runs will continue periodically until the data issues are resolved. Faculty members who are unable to view their fall 2024 courses are encouraged to contact, and ITS will investigate further.
D2L will be conducting a Grades training session on Friday, August 16. Additionally, two Brightspace "Ask Me Anything" sessions are scheduled for August 22 at 12:05 pm and August 27 at 12:00 pm. These interactive sessions will provide valuable opportunities for faculty to have their questions answered. Previously recorded training sessions remain accessible, and links to upcoming sessions are available on the Brightspace landing page at
ITS recently published three new Brightspace guides, covering topics including creating Intelligent Agents, adding Respondus Lockdown Browser to courses, and importing content from previous courses into new Brightspace courses, all available on the ITS Knowledge Base. If you experience issues while working on your new fall 2024 courses, please contact ITS at